We originally debuted Soccer Tactics in 2009 on the App Store and a year later we introduced online multiplayer in it. Our users really liked the game but we felt there was so much more in the game we haven’t explored yet. Last year in November we started out to create a mega-update with a total app overhaul, here is what happened. Continue reading
Extreme App Makeover: The Evolution of Soctics
Soctics League has launched!
Finally, we can proudly announce that Soctics League, the evolution of our original Soccer Tactics game is now available for the lucky iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad owners all around the globe! It is a turn-based soccer game focusing on online matches. Go ahead and check it out on its official website, soctics.com. Stay tuned for the Mac version, it is coming very soon as well. See you soon online!
Fontify Sketch of the Week
Our Fontify users still don’t stop to amaze us
Competitive Mobile Gaming
I believe that smartphones and FB are the primary catalysts for casual games becoming truly mainstream. However, these games are usually frown upon by hardcore gamers who prefer skill-based, competitive games. Quake, Counter Strike, Starcraft are all great examples of such games and the list is long for desktop, but what about the mobile scene?
About Beta Testers
After an admittedly long absence from our allotted iDevBlogADay schedule, I would like to share my thoughts about the difficulties of beta testing. We have conducted a few beta tests in the past for iOS products and I am beginning to understand the underlying problems that probably many other dev teams are struggling with: beta tests are simply not effective enough. Yes, we have great tools to push test builds to prospective testers (like Testflight), so the technological hurdle is gone. The much bigger challenge is finding the testers who can give you real, useful input over a sustained period of time.