Category Archives: Indie Life

What’s going on with Bitongo and Soctics

I was shocked when I realized the last blog post we published here is more than a year old. Time does fly when you are busy! We are alive and well, in case you were wondering. We’ve decided last year … Continue reading

Posted in App, Games, idevblogaday, Indie Life | Comments Off

Extreme App Makeover: The Evolution of Soctics

We originally debuted Soccer Tactics in 2009 on the App Store and a year later we introduced online multiplayer in it. Our users really liked the game but we felt there was so much more in the game we haven’t … Continue reading

Posted in Games, idevblogaday, Indie Life | Comments Off

About Beta Testers

After an admittedly long absence from our allotted iDevBlogADay schedule, I would like to share my thoughts about the difficulties of beta testing. We have conducted a few beta tests in the past for iOS products and I am beginning to understand … Continue reading

Posted in idevblogaday, Indie Life | 1 Comment

Building Games vs Building Engines (aka. Engineeritis)

Recently I have been thinking more and more about the question: what am I really doing when I’m writing code? Sure, we have been developing iOS games since 2008 so the answer seems straightforward, but if I stop and take … Continue reading

Posted in Games, idevblogaday, Indie Life | Comments Off

The pain of international iTunes Gift Card giveaways

Today’s iDevBlogADay entry is going to be part rant and part hack. As any small dev with a tight budget, we are also continuously looking for wallet-friendly new ways to engage our audience. Recently we have decided to give away iTunes … Continue reading

Posted in idevblogaday, Indie Life | 4 Comments