Author Archives: Gable

Fontify Sketch of the Week

Getting low on battery? Hopefully everyone can recharge a bit during the Christmas break For more great sketches, have a look at our Fontify online gallery.

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Fontify Sketch of the Week

What else should we say? Our Fontify users are amazing

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A/B testing mobile ad providers part I.

When it comes to monetizing apps through ad providers, a developer has a plethora of choices in 2012. Banner ads, interstitial ads, video ads, app cross promotions, etc. Each provider claims to be the best, but how do they perform … Continue reading

Posted in idevblogaday | 2 Comments

Extreme App Makeover: The Evolution of Soctics

We originally debuted Soccer Tactics in 2009 on the App Store and a year later we introduced online multiplayer in it. Our users really liked the game but we felt there was so much more in the game we haven’t … Continue reading

Posted in Games, idevblogaday, Indie Life | Comments Off

Soctics League has launched!

Finally, we can proudly announce that Soctics League, the evolution of our original Soccer Tactics game is now available for the lucky iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad owners all around the globe! It is a turn-based soccer game focusing … Continue reading

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